Terms & Conditions

Product Pricing and Availability:

We work hard to fulfill your orders as quickly as possible, but there may be some unavoidable delays. In the event the price or availability of your ordered item changes before we can complete the order, we will contact you immediately to let you know and reconfirm.


All orders will be subject to Amazon.com Return Policies. Most items on Amazon can be returned within 30 days. If your item is returnable, you may cancel your order up to 30 days from your order date and prior to your scheduled delivery day when your ship docks. If your item is not returnable, your order will not be able to be cancelled.

Once your item is brought onboard, you may still cancel your order if the item is returnable and within the 30 day period. However, the fee for our services will still apply and will be owed at that time.

Once you have purchased your item onboard and our delivery is complete, we are unable to accept any return or refund requests.